
Archive for May 2017

Birth Control – Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception, so called the ‘morning after pill’, can be used after having unprotected sex, to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. You may need emergency contraception if a condom breaks, if you miss taking the oral contraceptive pill or if you have sex without any contraception. It may also be needed in the case of rape.…

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Online Safety: Smart Surfing!

How could we live without devices that allow us to go online, our laptops, smartphones and other? That’s how most of us take pictures, do our homework, find out the latest news, do research, keep in touch with family and friends and even shop. But besides the things to do and millions of sites to…

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What Is Social Phobia?

It’s natural to shy in front of others at times or to feel self-conscious, nervous. Anyone can have a sweaty palms, racing heart or fluttering stomach when trying out for chorus, giving a class presentation or asking someone on a first date. Most people, when they need to, manage to get through these moments, but…

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