Archive for June 2018
Pregnancy and Your Mental Health
It can be a very exciting time, finding out you are pregnant, but it can also make you feel uncomfortable, worried, unwell and make you wonder how you are going to cope. It doesn’t stop when the baby arrives. Some mums find it easy to adjust to life with a new baby, but others don’t!…
Read MoreAdolescence: A Period of Changes
Adolescence is a tricky period of existence, which presents developmental challenges across the emotional, physical, and social dimensions of the lives of young people. Most adolescents have a very self-critical eye, and they can be absolutely focused on their physicality. They have a hyper-interest in how they are being perceived and ‘judged’ by others. This…
Read MoreYoung People, Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
Many parents worry about whether their son or daughter is using illegal drugs and what they should do about it, but it is important to know that most harm to young people comes from using legal substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and medicines. More young people are involved in violence, are hospitalized or die from…
Read MoreCommon Youth Mental Disorders
Major depressive disorder – the key feature is the presence of either depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure or being grouchy, irritable and in a bad mood. Symptoms of a major depressive disorder may include significant weight change, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, and restlessness, loss of energy, fatigue, feeling of worthlessness and inability…
Read MoreUsing Technology to Support Youth Mental Health
Even there are many Youth Mental Health organizations, in some cases, patients fall through the cracks and how is a young person able to access a private psychologist when those most vulnerable are unable to pay the gap or traveling is too far? Having to wait six months on a public mental health waiting list…
Read MoreYouth Mental Health Issues
Mental health disorders that emerge during the formative years of childhood can have a lasting impact on the health and well-being of the individual and on the lives of those around them. Unlike many other health conditions, the experience of a mental health disorder is unique to the individual, meaning that the impact of the…
Read MoreSocial and Emotional Wellbeing in Rural Areas
Social and emotional wellbeing refers to a multidimensional concept of health, which encompasses mental health alongside other domains of health and wellbeing, including connection to country, culture, spirituality, ancestry, family and community. Dispossession, racism, trauma, disadvantage and disconnection from culture and country as well as disengagement from education and employment are all underlying contributors to…
Read MoreRisky Behaviors
Testing the boundaries and trying new things occurs across all developmental stages from birth to old age. When it involves engaging in activities that have the potential to result in harm to oneself or others, it’s defined as risk taking. However, the potential for negative outcomes from their behavior, young people may not understand, particularly…
Read MoreTeen Pregnancy
Becoming pregnant as a teenager can put enormous stress on young women and their families, especially if the pregnancy is not wanted. However, once it has happened there is no way to go back so the important thing is to support the young woman and to help her to make the wisest choice for her…
Read MoreSpiritual Health
Spiritual health is not the same as religion; it often reflects someone’s beliefs, values and culture. An individual with high levels of spiritual wellness will experience increased physical, social, and emotional health. Spiritual health is challenging to define, develop and maintain. But this aspect of wellness should not be underestimated. Spirituality is something that is…
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