
Posts by Family Kickstart Georgia

Social and Emotional Development and Wellbeing of Infants

The optimal development of infants and young children is a priority. There is increasing recognition that fetal development and infancy are vital periods of very rapid physical, physiological, psychological, and neurological growth. This growth is reflected in the cognitive, physical, and social-emotional domains of early childhood development. Human development involves interactions among biological,…

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Social Media and Mental Health

Human beings are social creatures. We need the companionship of others to thrive in life, and the strength of our connections has a huge impact on our mental health and happiness. Being socially connected to others can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to…

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What causes infections?

Con costo ricetta in farmacia cialis Diverse famose farmacie per corrispondenza online sono riassunte di seguito con una tabella comparativa? Verificare anche con costo ricetta in farmacia cialis prescrizione della farmacia o chiedere di vedere una prescrizione scritta. Dalla fine degli anni ’90, qualsiasi farmaco rimasto da casa dovrebbe essere buttato fuori. La marijuana è…

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Health Benefits of Strong Relationships

Throughout your life, the number and strength of your relationships affect your mental and physical wellbeing. The benefits of social connections and good mental health are many. Strong, healthy relationships include lower rates of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem, greater empathy, more trusting and cooperative relationships. It can also help to strengthen your immune system,…

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Mental Health Recovery

Many of us have mental health issues at one point or another in our lives. We may experience problems to do with relationships, drugs and alcohol or sexual abuse. Good mental health is important so, it deserves to be taken seriously. But while we all have our trials; ongoing mental health issues can be a…

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Learning Pre-teens and Teenagers to Calm Down

Pre-teens and teenagers often feel and express powerful emotions. They might feel furious if something seems unfair, or really disappointed if something does not turn out the way they wanted. If your child looks like they need help to calm down, stop. Pay attention to what your child’s behavior is telling you about their feelings…

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Signs of mental health issues

One in five of us will experience a mental health disorder. Learn the signs that could show a friend or family member struggling with their mental health. Often, it is not a single change, but a combination. The following signs are not to help you diagnose a mental health disorder, but to reassure you that…

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How does food and drink affect mental health?

To eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and monitor their intake of alcohol and caffeine is important for everyone. For people with mental health challenges, this is even more important. There is some evidence that: a healthy diet is associated with a reduced risk of depression omega-3 fats can improve mental health diets…

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What is separation anxiety?

Separation anxiety is normal in early childhood and can occur when a child gets upset when separated from a parent or carer. This can happen when children are left with a new caregiver, or put to bed by themselves. Separation anxiety is normal during early childhood. It usually starts at about six to eight months…

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