
Mental Health

How to deal with Stress and Anxiety during COVID-19

The outbreak of COVID-19 may lead to stress and anxiety for some of us. Feeling overwhelmed by powerful emotions during times like these is understandable. Coping with distress and fear healthily will help ensure that you, your loved ones and everyone in our communities stay resilient during this time. Check in with family, friends, neighbors,…

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Look after your Mental Health during COVID-19

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is causing anxiety, worry and stress for people across the globe. These are exceptional times, but we are a resilient society with the strength and capacity to cope with troublesome situations. There are positive, proactive steps we can all take to support our mental health and wellbeing, and that of our…

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Understanding the Mental Health

Mental health is an expression we use every day, so it might surprise people that the term is frequently misunderstood. Mental health is often used as a substitute for mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety conditions, schizophrenia, and others. But according to the World Health Organization, mental health is “a state of well-being in which…

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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a condition where people experience extreme mood swings that interfere with everyday life. It was previously known as ‘manic depression’. The mood swings can range from extreme highs (mania) to extreme lows (depression). Episodes of mania and depression can often last for weeks or even months. People with bipolar disorder experience periods…

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Dependence on Alcohol and Drugs

It is often difficult for people to recognize that they have become dependent on alcohol or other drugs. They may see it as a temporary situation because they are in physical pain or because they are dealing with a difficult situation such as grief, loss, anxiety or trauma. Some signs that you may have an alcohol…

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Common Emotional Problems in Pregnant Women and Mothers

Several emotional problems can arise when you are pregnant or have had a baby. Sometimes these emotional problems are all just called postnatal depression. This is not correct and can mislead, especially since problems can arise during pregnancy too. Pregnant women and mothers may have mental health issues, such as Baby blues During the first…

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Connections Matter

Throughout your life, the number and strength of your relationships affect your mental and physical wellbeing. Social ties affect not only your personal health but also extend to broader society. People who spend more time with each other forge happy, productive communities. The benefits of social connections and good mental health are many. Proven links…

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Ways to Improve your Mental Health and Wellbeing

Good mental health and wellbeing mean different things to different people and every person has to find their own way to a life that is meaningful and satisfying for them. Things that can contribute to positive mental health and wellbeing include: spending quality time with close friends and family working in a job or finding…

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Parents with New Babies: Common emotional problems

Several emotional problems can arise when you are pregnant or have had a baby. Sometimes these emotional problems are all just called postnatal depression. This is not correct and can mislead, especially since problems can arise during pregnancy too. During the first week after birth, up to 80 percent of mothers will get the baby…

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