

Breastfeeding is good for Mother and a Baby

There are many health benefits of breastfeeding for both the mother and a baby. It can reduce mother’s risk of developing some diseases such as cancer of the breast or ovaries and osteoporosis. Breastfeeding may help mother get back to pre-pregnancy weight sooner. The mother produces breastmilk as natural food for her baby. It is…

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Baby Settle to Sleep

Babies need help to get to sleep and need much more sleep than their parents. They also need to sleep in shorter blocks of time, particularly in the early months of their life. Early on babies have short frequent periods of sleep throughout the day and it may feel you are spending all your time settling…

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Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

There is never a better time to improve your eating habits than when you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding. Good nutrition is important for your baby, even before conception. Aim to lead a healthy lifestyle before becoming pregnant. This includes being active and maintaining or working towards a healthy weight. It is best…

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When Children Feeling Sick

When we are not well, what we most want is someone to look after us, to give us food and sympathy and peace to rest. When children are sick, they need all of this and more. When they are unwell, and especially if they are in pain, children often feel frightened or worried. They need…

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Young Women and Pregnancy

Being a young and finding out you are pregnant, especially if the pregnancy is unexpected and not wanted, can put enormous stress on a young woman and her family. However, once the pregnancy is confirmed the important thing is to support the young woman and to help her make the wisest choice for her. Support…

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How to Deal with Sibling Fighting?

Teenagers choose their friends based on similar likes and interests, but they cannot choose their siblings. They might even feel they have little in common with them. Sibling fights peak in early adolescence, particularly when the youngest sibling hits this age. The most common areas of conflict between teenage siblings are equality and fairness, personal…

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Dealing with Relationship Breakdowns

Breaking up is a tough time, it can be better or worse depending on how you deal with it. How you cope over that time will depend on your ability to manage your own thoughts and actions, and to recognize when things are out of hand. In other words, a relationship breakdown is a time…

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Looking After a New Baby

Keeping your baby safe is very important. Buying new furniture and other things can excite but before buying it because it looks good, always make sure it is safe. Home safety Trying to keep your house as safe as possible can be difficult. You may like to use a checklist as a starting point for…

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Vitamins and Supplements – Common Misconceptions

Vitamins play an important role in keeping the body healthy, but there are many misconceptions about vitamins and the health benefits they offer. However, taking large doses of certain vitamins can be harmful. It is best to get the vitamins our bodies need from eating a variety of healthy, unprocessed foods rather than by taking…

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How to Celebrate Safely?

Over summer, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate: birthdays, parties, weddings and even just catching up at a barbecue with friends. Socializing is an important part of maintaining our mental health, helping us stay connected to family, friends and loved ones, but celebration can often come with the “social lubricant” alcohol, which is America’s…

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