
Help your Teenager to Deal with Depression

Help your teenager to set realistic goals

Encourage your teenager to set realistic goals. Also, help them to think of different ways in which they can achieve their goals and to select the best one.
Set an example for your teenager by showing them how to do things that need to be done, even tasks that may be unpleasant or boring.

Help your teenager to deal with problems

Learning to deal well with problems can help reduce a teenager’s risk of developing depression and clinical anxiety. Try to demonstrate effective problem-solving approaches for your teenager and teach problem-solving strategies by working through real-life problems together.

Encourage your teenager by reminding them of times in the past when they have dealt well with problems and praise your teenager when they deal well with problems. Recognize and encourage their problem-solving efforts, rather than focusing on the outcomes.

Support your teenager in dealing with stress

It is important for your teenager to learn how to manage stress effectively. Learn some effective strategies for managing stress and use them to set an example for your teenager about how to cope well with stressful situations and setbacks.
Pay attention to your teenager’s behavior for indications that they may not be coping well with stress. Help your teenager learn effective ways to deal with their negative emotions. If your teenager is unable to recover from stressful experiences, get help for them from a mental health professional.

Help your teenager to deal with pressure and expectations

Often teenagers feel pressure to live up to their own expectations of themselves as well as expectations from a number of other sources, such as family, friends, school, and society. Excessive parental pressure to achieve or perform can increase a teenager’s risk of developing depression and clinical anxiety. Although it is important to have positive
expectations for your teenager and their future, try to match your expectations to their individual personality and capabilities.

Help your teenager deal with problems at school

If your teenager feels safe at school and has good relationships with other students and teachers, they are at a lower risk of developing depression and clinical anxiety. However, a school can sometimes be a source of problems for young people. When this is the case, you will need to help your teenager deal with these problems.


Being a victim of bullying increases a teenager’s risk of developing depression and clinical anxiety. Bullying refers to the repeated and intentional use of words or actions against someone or a group of people to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing. It can be verbal, physical,
social, psychological, or occur online (cyberbullying).
If your teenager is the victim of bullying, avoid minimizing the situation. Never blame the victim for being bullied.

School refusal

Teenagers may avoid going to school as a result of depression and clinical anxiety. If your teenager is avoiding school, discuss with them why and work out a solution together. Get professional advice and support if your teenager continues to avoid school.