Parent-Child Interaction
Parents guide and support their children. They teach them and they lead them. They do all this by what they do and say. Your child is busy learning about the world and needs you as a personal protector, supporter, and guide.
What we expect from our children is what we will get, we have known for years. Constant input of sincere positive reinforcement enables children to function well and helps them feel good about themselves. On the other hand, constant criticism causes children to feel bad about themselves and hinders their development and growth.
Make expectations clear, be positive, firm and fair. These are parameters of effective discipline and they work to decrease misbehavior in the future. In addition, they help your child learn to take charge of himself or herself and in the end become his or her own disciplinarian.
Everyone makes mistakes, and the important thing to do is learn from them. Teach your child how to act better so that she will not make the same mistake again. The goal is to prepare for future, not only to handle the present difficulty.
Make your child feel needed. Seek your child’s help whenever possible. When you seeking assistance on an ongoing basis, remember to use the words, “please” and “thank you.” In our culture, those are the magic words. They are words of appreciation and respect. Use them to build respect and appreciation into your parent-child relationship. Remember, the way to teach your child to say “please” and “thank you” is to say them to your child.
As often as is possible listen and communicate with your child. You will gain important information, and you will bond. Besides doing wonders for handling present situations, this kind of give and take will help you support and guide your child throughout all circumstances.
Be supportive, positive, and warm. It is time to work on a problem when you find your child in a problematic situation that is causing difficulty. With your child, try to find solutions. Do all you can to help and be the best friend you can be to your child. You will be building your relationship with your child as you play this role.
Be a person, not a God. Try to present yourself to your child as a real person. Share with your child real ideas, feelings and thoughts. Feel free to make mistakes and also to follow up with sincere apologies. You will be showing your child important respect with this attitude. Besides expressing yourself, seek your child’s ideas, thoughts, and feelings as much as possible.
Touch, hold, hug, and caress your child as often and a much as you want. Physical closeness accomplishes what no words can in forming a healthy attachment to your child. This is bonding. Patting, rocking, and rubbing performs magic. What a thousand words might miss, one touch can successfully accomplish.