
Posts Tagged ‘children’

Children with Additional Needs and Mental Health

Understanding the link between mental health and children with additional needs in early childhood is the first step to supporting children with additional needs. What are additional needs? Differences exist among all people; one such as when a child has a disability or condition that requires some additional support. This may be, for example, a…

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Children’s Medicines

For some childhood illnesses medicines aren’t always needed. Most illnesses get better by themselves using therapies that do not involve medicines. Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are often used to relieve the discomfort caused by a high temperature or pain. Both Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are safe and effective. It is recommended to have one or both stored…

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Youth Mental Health and SCHIP

The US has the highest rate of abuse and incarceration of all the Western Nations. It looks like the rates of violence and homicide in US cities are on the rise. What may we do to stem the wave of children growing up to become criminal and violent in their own families and their communities?…

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Young People and Self-esteem

While we all have self-doubts at times, it is important for children to feel okay about themselves most of the time. Healthy self-esteem is feeling good about yourself, and feeling that you are a worthwhile person. Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself as a person and knowing that there are things that you can…

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Obesity in Children

The number of overweight children has doubled in recent years, with a 25% of children considered overweight or obese. Causes of obesity in children include lack of physical activity, unhealthy food choices, and family eating habits. A rise in the number of overweight children is disturbing because it causes health problems and can lead to…

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Children and Families at Risk

To enable them to achieve their full potential all children need a nurturing and supportive family and community. For vulnerable children who are exposed to neglect and child abuse, we need to ensure they are supported and protected so they can have the best chance in life. Some children are at a higher risk of…

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Healthy self-esteem is feeling good about yourself, and feeling that you are a worthwhile person. It is important for children to feel okay about themselves most of the time even we all have self-doubts at times. Self-esteem enables them to try new things without too much fear of failing, to reach out and make friends,…

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Fever and High Temperatures in Children

Fevers are quite common in young children and are usually mild, but sometimes the causes of a fever will require urgent attention, even in most cases they can be managed at home. What is a fever? A fever is a temperature of 38°C or higher and it is one of the ways the body fights…

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Supportive Parenting Style

Research shows that there are four main styles that parents use: authoritarian, disengaged, permissive and supportive. Parents tend to use one style the most, even they use a mix of these. The supportive style works best for children’s development and well-being. This involves being warm and loving and providing clear support and guidance. Some ways…

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Children Biting

Biting is not bad behavior or a problem, it is a normal part of a child’s development that passes when they learn other ways to express themselves. Biting can also frighten the child who bites. They can feel very powerful because of the strong reaction and attention it brings. However, the feeling of power can…

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