
Posts Tagged ‘depression’

Risk Factors for Developing Depression

If your child feels sad for weeks on end, find himself low on energy or motivation, or no longer enjoy doing things that used to interest him, he might be experiencing depression. It’s not necessarily about feeling sad. Depression is a mental health condition which can affect a person’s ability to function. Depression is often…

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Types of Depression

Major Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) Major depression is the technical term used by health professionals and researchers to describe the most common type of depression. This type of depression can be described as mild, moderate or severe. Melancholia Melancholia is an older term for depression and is still sometimes used to describe a more severe…

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Depression – First Aid

How do I know if someone is experiencing depression? Even, only a trained professional can diagnose someone with depression, if you notice changes in the person’s behavior, their mood, energy levels, habits or personality, you should consider depression as a possible reason for these changes. It is very important to find out about depression so…

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Depression – How can I be Supportive?

Treat the person with respect and dignity Each person’s situation and needs are unique. It is important to respect the person’s autonomy while considering the extent to which they are able to make decisions for themselves, and whether they are at risk of harming themselves or others. Equally, you should respect the person’s privacy and…

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Feeling Sad is Okay!

Everyone feels sad sometimes, just like everyone can feel joyful, proud, angry and plenty of other emotions. In other words, everyone has feelings, and those feelings are always changing. Sometimes we feel happy and sometimes we feel sad, whatever the feeling, it is real and part of living. When we talk about sadness, we use…

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Pregnancy and Your Mental Health

It can be a very exciting time, finding out you are pregnant, but it can also make you feel uncomfortable, worried, unwell and make you wonder how you are going to cope. It doesn’t stop when the baby arrives. Some mums find it easy to adjust to life with a new baby, but others don’t!…

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Living with a Chronic Health Condition

Have you been diagnosed with a chronic health condition? Wondering how you’ll cope? Chronic illnesses are mostly characterized by a condition that is long lasting, has many risk factors, complex causes, a long latency period, and which has a functional impairment or disability. A diagnosis of a chronic health condition such as diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis…

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Depression in Young People

Young people can feel sad and worried about life events such as exams, changing schools or moving house, fights with friends or family. If the feelings of sadness affect everyday life, and lasts for weeks or months, the young person may have depression. In young people. symptoms of depression include feeling grumpy, having feeling worthless…

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