
Posts Tagged ‘family’

Household Chores for Children

All families expect children to contribute in some way to family life. Some children help out when their parents ask them to, while other children have household chores or jobs they’re responsible for every day or week. Either way, getting children involved in chores is good for children and good for the whole family. Doing…

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Raising Adopted Children

What is adoption? When you adopt a child, you become the child’s legal parent and the child becomes a member of your family. Your adopted child has the same rights as any biological child – for example, he has the right to inherit your property and he gets to take on your surname. The child’s…

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Families that work well

The most important part of a child’s life is a family. A caring, loving family can help create resilient, confident children, while an unhappy family can lead to a range of problems for children. While there are many different styles of parenting and forms of family, it is hard to realize what is making things…

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Becoming a Stepparent

Becoming a parent by marrying someone with kids or blending families can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. If you’ve never had kids, you’ll get the opportunity to help to shape her or his character and share your life with a younger person. If you have kids, you’ll offer them more opportunities to establish a…

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Family Learn at Play, Every Day!

Literacy is more than writing and reading. It’s how we make meaning, how we make sense of the world. It’s what we put in and what we take out, it involves all of our senses. Taking time each day to engage in a learning activity will improve your children’s skills dramatically and also provide an opportunity…

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Depression in Young People

Young people can feel sad and worried about life events such as exams, changing schools or moving house, fights with friends or family. If the feelings of sadness affect everyday life, and lasts for weeks or months, the young person may have depression. In young people. symptoms of depression include feeling grumpy, having feeling worthless…

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