
Posts Tagged ‘grief’

Dealing with Relationship Breakdowns

Breaking up is a tough time, it can be better or worse depending on how you deal with it. How you cope over that time will depend on your ability to manage your own thoughts and actions, and to recognize when things are out of hand. In other words, a relationship breakdown is a time…

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Children With a Disability

Finding out your child has a disability can happen after an accident or illness, at birth or you may find out something is wrong as your child develops. You may feel worried about their quality of life and grief at the loss of dreams for your child’s future. There are big changes for parents and…

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Feelings of Loss and Grief

What are Loss and Grief? Feelings of loss and grief can occur after losing something or someone that you care about. This may be the loss of a relationship, your health, a job, your possessions, your way of life or the death of loved one. When we lose something or someone that is very important…

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