
Economic Empowerment

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  • Workforce Development: Family Kickstart Georgia (FKSG) offers a wide range of programs that guides unemployed people into the workforce, providing them with the tools to get jobs and to stay successfully employed. FKSG Workforce Development programs and partners provide career advising, resume writing, skills training, and job placement to vulnerable community residents in helping the underemployed and unemployed gain meaningful work and relevant educational experiences for career fulfillment and stability.

  • Target Population Development: FKSG is working towards assisting target local and international populations such as families and people living with HIV, refugees, immigrants as well as the long- term unemployed.

  • Family Economic Success: FKSG provides education, advocacy, counseling and financial literacy services to families who face numerous barriers to achieving economic success while promoting opportunities for economic revitalization and services specially tailored to grooming future entrepreneurs in building small businesses.



Social Enterprise: FKSG's social enterprise will be targeted at providing meaningful    employment opportunity to low-income clients.

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