
Posts Tagged ‘covid-19’

Social distancing with babies and small children

Viagra sociale remboursement securite Viagra sociale remboursement securite informations répertoriées ici sont susceptibles de changer à tout moment! N’oubliez pas de passer votre temps avec ceux qui vous sont les plus chers? ) où l’accès aux pharmacies est réglementé ou interdit; par exemple, le mécanisme par lequel il fonctionne n’est pas du tout clair, les…

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What do you need to know about COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness caused by an unknown virus. Symptoms include fever, coughing, a sore throat, and shortness of breath. The virus can spread from person to person. There is no treatment for COVID-19. Find out who is at risk and what you should do if you think you have COVID-19. COVID-19 is a…

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How to deal with Stress and Anxiety during COVID-19

The outbreak of COVID-19 may lead to stress and anxiety for some of us. Feeling overwhelmed by powerful emotions during times like these is understandable. Coping with distress and fear healthily will help ensure that you, your loved ones and everyone in our communities stay resilient during this time. Check in with family, friends, neighbors,…

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How to self-isolate during COVID-19

Testing people without symptoms for COVID-19 does not help identify people who may become sick later. Therefore, it is so important to detect any sign of infection as early as possible. You should monitor yourself for any new symptoms. Watch particularly for: fever (37.5°C or higher) cough shortness of breath (difficulty breathing) Other reported symptoms…

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Preventing transmission COVID-19

To protect yourself against COVID-19, clean your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand rub/sanitizer. If you have washed your hands, dry them thoroughly by using paper towels. If there are no paper towels available, use a hot air dryer or let your hands air dry. Your hands must…

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Social Distancing during COVID-19

Social distancing means reducing the number of close social and physical contacts we have with one another. Combining social distancing with good personal hygiene slows the spread of a pandemic. This helps protect the most vulnerable members of the community and reduces the impact of the pandemic on essential, life-saving health services. Everyone should practice…

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Protecting against COVID-19

In our country, the people most at risk of getting COVID-19 corona virus infections are those who have: recently returned from overseas been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 Based on what we know so far about COVID-19 and what we know about other corona viruses, those at greatest risk…

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Corona Virus disease (COVID-19)

What is a pandemic? A pandemic is an epidemic that spreads on a global scale. Pandemics usually occur when a new infectious disease emerges that can spread rapidly around the world. The WHO declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Most people do not have immunity to a new virus. Viruses…

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