
Families that work well

The most important part of a child’s life is a family. A caring, loving family can help create resilient, confident children, while an unhappy family can lead to a range of problems for children.

While there are many different styles of parenting and forms of family, it is hard to realize what is making things difficult in our family. Here are some tips to help your family to work well.

Make time for listening and talking

  • As often as you can, talk to all family members. Talk about their interests – be encouraging and excited, also talk what each person has done for the day.
  • Let family members express a wide range of feelings such as anger, excitement, joy and fear.
  • Try to understand what children say, ”listen” thoughts and feelings behind the words.

Make family time

  • Make time to have fun as a family and to spend together – go to the park or beach, watch or play sport, play games or do other things together.
  • Family meetings can be useful to talk about things that affect the whole family – include children.
  • Even that is difficult in a busy life, have meals together if you can.
  • Turn off the phones and TV.
  • Spending quality time as a couple helps you work well together and this benefits the whole family.

Be kind, caring and affectionate

  • In the family everyone will feel good when they’re appreciated and encouraged.
  • Give hugs, show affection and be kind and thoughtful.
  • Tell your children all the things you love and like about them.
  • Let your children know that you love them; it will make them feel proud.

Accept differences

  • Family members are special in his or her own way – let them feel proud to be themselves.
  • Show tolerance and respect, allow each person to be excited about her or his own interests.
  • No one should be made to feel the odd one out in a family or left out.


  • Make a priority the wellbeing of your family.
  • Stick up for each other – be loyal to your family.
  • When there is trouble – pull together to solve problems.

Family traditions and rituals

The little things you do on special occasions and each day, helps to build your family. Daily rituals can be what you do at bedtime and mealtimes or how you say goodbye. From celebrating special times together, such as birthdays and other special days, benefits a whole family and have tradition about how this is done.

Strong families know they can rely on each other when things are tough and have a positive attitude.

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